Read books not posts!

Everyone has his hobbies and passion, for me and for a long time, I have been obsessed with reading, In the last couple of years I have read hundreds of articles, short stories, novels, and books. Reading is something I believe to be essential in one's self development. In this post I will briefly go over and review some videos that help you get motivated and get started with reading, they will also help you become a better reader and a more importantly a consistent one.

To begin, and before showing you how to become better readers, these are some videos that discuss why reading is an important habit and a quality you must possess:

Now without any further delay, let's start with these videos that explains how you can build the reading habit and make it a part of your daily life, If you apply the tips discussed in these videosyou will be set on the right path to reading books more frequently than you currently do: 

Next, you have to take a look at these videos that discuss how to read books efficiently so you can benefit of what you are reading, bonus video of Bill Gates talking about how he himself reads books and how it has contributed in making him the man he is: 

This one is from a Ted X event which is known to be very informative, the presenter -Jordan Harry- goes over the brilliant idea of reading a book per day, may seem crazy to most of you but wait until you watch it:

If you still think this would not work for you, how about a book a week? which is the topic discussed in this video by Jim Kwik: 

Onto a very important issue which faces most people who read books which is the fact that reading books is often a slow and a boring process, this video shows you how to deal with this problem with tips on how to be a faster reader:

This video also covers a solution to the same problem: 

A common problem that faces readers from time to time, is that they get bored of reading and think it's too difficult, this video goes over how to deal with this problem and read when you don't feel like it:


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