Information Systems

 Over the centuries, humans managed to evolve and make successive progress in every aspect of their living on planet earth. Science being the major focus when it comes to progress and development has set mankind on the right track and made their existence much more meaningful.

Although when we mention the word ‘Science’ the first thing that comes to mind is usually physics or mathematics, maybe even chemistry, in today’s modern world the term “Information System’ has become strongly relevant to this subject, that’s mainly because this branch of science has managed to progress in very rapid rates in a similar way to the other major branches. But what is Information System in the first place?

“Information systems are combinations of hardware, software, and telecommunications networks that people build and use to collect, create, and distribute useful data, typically in organizational settings” [1]  

Now that we have a clear definition of an Information System, the focus of the next few posts will be on Software as one of the main components of any information system, we will be going over what software actually means before looking at its impact and importance. Stay tuned!
 [1] The book ‘Information systems today- managing in the digital world, fourth edition prentice hall 2010.’


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